[Marianne Romer, Marketing Manager, Healthspan (ex J&J)] I agree with individual product branding in pharmaceuticals – the strength of an individual product in its therapy area is what doctors are most concerned about at the end of the day. There are many successful fmcg examples of strong product branding Vs corporate – not many consumers have even heard of Procter & Gamble, let alone know that they make Olay, Max Factor, Tampax and Pampers. Each brand stands up on it own merits.
[David Mulobole, Business Development Manager, DFCU Bank] The individual product comes first. It is on the backs of individual products that cure specific ailments that the corporate brand rides. The success of the corporate brand is a result of a series of individual product successes. When individual products fail to cure ailments, however strong the corporate brand is, consumer confidence is lost.
[Tom Holman, Director, UltraFeedback] The question is the problem. […] In this case, the key is the relationship between patient and doctor and between doctor and pharmaceutical sales rep. That is the point of difference provided a drug actually works. >>
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