[Charlie Russell, Communications Planner, Eli Lilly and Company] As consumers are forced to take more ownership of healthcare desicions, their reliance on a corporate brand will increase as a metric to evaluate product brands and feel confident in doctor prescribing or an OTC buying decision.
[Selma Nawaz, Director Global Pharmaceutical Events, eyeforpharma] I believe that the corporate brand will begin to play a much stronger role in the future — to some extent it has to. Products die, companies endure.. and with the threat that is faced through patent expiry, generic drugs, etc., it makes sense that a corporate brand can help to create stronger awareness for pharma comanies. The key will be to use corporate branding as a global marketing tool. The corporate brand can strengthen your product brand especially considering that we are now facing mcuh more empowered patients.
[Michael Alagbile, Dep. Mgr MCH (Marketing), Society for Family Health] Experience distilled over five years detailing ethical pharma products [Rx; min kommentar] to health proffessionals clearly shows that they are more likely to give attention to reps and products from world class companies. They are more likely to recommend brands from well known companies even if the products are inferior to those from lesser known companies. The corporate brand provides the platform for product branding .