Sju tips för marknadsföring

Church of the Customer tipsar om sju steg för att även små företag ska lyckas med en WOM-kampanj. Det känns som om det är rätt så allmängiltiga tips oavsett vilken form av marknadsföring man jobbar med – det handlar ju i slutänden alltid om relation konsument-varumärke och att få konsumenter att tipsa sina signifikanta andra

  1. Send the same simple message through all of your communications. If it’s not simple, it can’t survive being passed via word of mouth.
  2. Don’t position your product or service as part of a general category. Get more specific. Define it by its most-needed attribute: “The dandruff shampoo that doesn’t dry your hair.”
  3. Make your examples borderline outrageous so people will find your story worth repeating.
  4. Sprinkle your materials and marketing messages with success stories from real people.
  5. Offer customers multiple (but simple) ways to inquire about, investigate and order what you offer.
  6. Get experts on your side by bringing them into conferences, advisory groups and seminars. Encourage them to spread the word to others.
  7. Ask customers for referrals. Encourage your sales people to request referrals, recommendations and testimonials.

(Church of the Customer)

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