WPP:s Neil French har fått kicken efter att ha dissat kvinnor inom reklambranschen. (Resumé). Tyvärr har vårt sk branschorgan varit lite väl generella och inte läst allt om det hela: Neil French uttalade sig om kvinnor med familjer och att de inte blir chefer. Korkat uttalande men rätt ska väl ändå vara rätt även när det handlar om idiotiska uttalanden? (Ad Age). Nancy Vonk, co-creative director på Ogilvys Torontokontor sammanfattar det rätt så bra:
“It’s too easy to discount Neil’s views as those of a man from an era and geographies that reinforced that the role of women should be reserved for pleasing the men, marrying them, bearing and caring for their offspring. What struck me so hard as he described a group that will inevitably wimp out and ‘go suckle something’ after their short stint in advertising, was that in his honest opinion he was voicing the inner thoughts of legions of men in the senior ranks of our business.”
(Ad Age)